Wednesday, August 22, 2007

First - What You Need to Know About Your Lower Abs

Almost everyone wants a set of abs that are flat, defined and generally just look hot. Most people waste a lot of time on exercises that do little or if done incorrectly can do some serious harm. I for one was a person that spent a heck of a lot of time crunching, leg lifting and doing sit ups for no results - truth be told it was a result, just not the one I wanted. The lower ab exercises and associated hints and tips that you'll find here will save you months of training time - I just wish I knew what I know now back when I first started out.

When people are exercising their lower abs they generally work the top layer of muscles and these are great for getting some of that definition, don't get me wrong, but where you want to focus on is the deeper abdominal muscles - the Rectus Abdominus and the Transvers Abdominus.

The Rectus Abdominus runs vertically and is responsible for pulling the front of the pelvis up towards the belly button.

Transverse Abdominus runs horizontally under the Rectus Abdominus and is responsible for pulling the belly button inward (towards the spine).

Or show together:

The lower ab exercises I have included are focussed on training the two muscles groups that make up the lower abs while minimizing the involvement of other abdominal muscles. I will also touch on some of the other ab exercises and as well as areas of importance in maintaining good core strength - and getting the best 6 pack you can.


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I see you've got a nice blog over here. A little a bit of human anatomy always help :) Seriously, great tips. There should be more blogs like this one on the net.

SoloForge said...

Hey, since you don't update this blog anymore...

Learn more on ab program without supplement scams at truth about six pack abs review

Beth said...

This is exactly what I was looking for, thanks! I was looking for ways to improve the work I do with my ab machines.